How to Pick Your Design Partner: A Comprehensive Guide for In-House Creative and Brand Professionals feat. Toby Wilkinson @ AUFI

Before you start searching for a design partner, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your needs and goals. This involves:

- Identifying Your Project Scope: Determine the type of design work you need. Are you looking for a complete rebranding, a new website, packaging design, or ongoing creative support? Clarifying the scope will help you narrow down potential partners.
- Setting Clear Objectives: Define what you hope to achieve with this partnership. Whether it's increasing brand awareness, improving user experience, or launching a new product, having specific objectives will guide your selection process.
- Establishing a Budget: Have a realistic budget in mind. Understanding your financial constraints will help you find a partner who can deliver within your budget without compromising on quality.

Research Potential Partners

Once you have a clear understanding of your needs, start researching potential design partners. Consider the following:

- Portfolio Review: Examine the portfolios of potential partners. Look for work that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and values. Pay attention to the diversity of their portfolio and their experience with projects similar to yours.
- Case Studies and Testimonials: Look for case studies and client testimonials. These provide insights into their process, creativity, and how they handle challenges. Testimonials can also shed light on their reliability and client satisfaction.
- Industry Experience: Consider partners with experience in your industry. They will have a better understanding of your market, competitors, and industry-specific challenges.

Questions To Ask When Choosing An Agency by Toby Wilkinson @ AUFI

1. What do we know today about our brand and our audience?

2. Why are we doing this? What is our challenge? What does success look like?

3. What is our budget for this piece of work and how does this tie into our overall budget?

4. What are we looking for in an agency partner: experience, capabilities, personnel, strengths?

5. Who is going to be involved in the process and how do we ensure they’re part of the agency selection process?

6. Which brands do we admire and why, both in and out of category?

Evaluate Compatibility

A successful design partnership goes beyond skills and experience; it's also about compatibility. Assess potential partners based on:

- Cultural Fit: Ensure the partner’s values and culture align with your organization’s. A good cultural fit fosters better communication and collaboration.
- Communication Style: Effective communication is key to a successful partnership. Assess their responsiveness, clarity, and willingness to listen. They should be able to understand your vision and provide constructive feedback.
- Collaboration Approach: Understand their process and approach to collaboration. Are they flexible and open to iteration? Do they involve clients in the creative process? A collaborative approach ensures that the final product aligns with your vision.

Assess Their Creative Process

Understanding a potential partner's creative process can give you insights into how they work and whether their approach aligns with your expectations. Consider the following:

- Research and Discovery: How do they approach the initial research and discovery phase? A thorough understanding of your brand, target audience, and market is essential for creating effective design solutions.
- Ideation and Concept Development: Evaluate their ideation and concept development process. Do they explore multiple concepts and iterate based on feedback? A rigorous ideation process often leads to more innovative solutions.
- Execution and Delivery: Assess their execution capabilities. Review their previous work to see if they consistently deliver high-quality designs. Also, inquire about their project management skills to ensure timely delivery.

Consider Their Technical Capabilities

In today’s digital age, technical capabilities are as important as creative skills. Ensure your design partner has the necessary technical expertise to execute your project successfully. This includes:

- Design Tools and Software: Check their proficiency with industry-standard design tools and software. They should be adept at using tools that align with your technical requirements.
- Web and Mobile Design: If your project involves digital design, evaluate their experience with web and mobile design. They should have a strong understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles.
- Development Capabilities: For web and app projects, consider their development capabilities. If they don't offer development services, assess their experience working with development teams to ensure seamless integration.

Review Their Track Record

A partner's track record can provide valuable insights into their reliability and performance. Look into:

- Client Retention and Long-Term Partnerships: High client retention and long-term partnerships indicate satisfaction and trust. It suggests that the partner consistently delivers value and maintains strong relationships.
- Awards and Recognitions: Industry awards and recognitions can be a testament to their creative excellence and innovation.
- Project Outcomes: Review the outcomes of their previous projects. Did they meet or exceed client expectations? Were the projects successful in achieving their intended goals?

Trends That Show The Way Brands Make Their Choices Has Changed (feat. Toby Wilkinson @ AUFI)

I think the most recent shift has been agencies reverting back to being more full service – i.e. if brand is everything, we should be able to deliver everything – so agencies are presenting themselves to clients as long term partners and building networks of specialists that they can pull in when needed, assuming the role of brand guardians – “brand guardianship” is a phrase we’re hearing more and more. Work is still predominantly done on a project by project basis, certainly the first SOW, but sometimes shifts into retainers. It works for the agency because they build longer relationships, and it works for the client because they have a partner they can trust to oversee everything.

Conduct Interviews and Request Proposals

After narrowing down your list of potential partners, conduct interviews and request detailed proposals. During this phase:

- Prepare Questions: Prepare a set of questions to assess their understanding of your project, approach, and how they handle challenges. Focus on their problem-solving skills and ability to think strategically.
- Request Proposals: Ask for detailed proposals outlining their approach, timeline, deliverables, and costs. A comprehensive proposal will help you compare different partners and make an informed decision.
- Evaluate Chemistry: Pay attention to the chemistry during interviews. A positive rapport and mutual respect are essential for a successful partnership.

Check References

Before making a final decision, check references from previous clients. This step provides an opportunity to:

- Verify Claims: Confirm the information provided by the partner about their past projects and client satisfaction.
- Gain Insights: Get insights into their strengths and weaknesses, work ethic, and how they handle challenges.
- Assess Reliability: Ensure they are reliable, responsive, and easy to work with.

Negotiate Terms and Set Clear Expectations

Once you've selected your design partner, it's time to negotiate terms and set clear expectations. This includes:

- Contract and Agreement: Draft a detailed contract outlining the scope of work, timeline, deliverables, costs, and payment terms. Ensure both parties are clear on expectations to avoid misunderstandings.
- Communication Plan: Establish a communication plan detailing how often you will meet, the preferred communication channels, and key points of contact. Regular updates and transparent communication are crucial for a smooth collaboration.
- Feedback Process: Define a feedback process to ensure constructive and timely feedback. Agree on the number of revisions and the timeline for providing feedback.

Foster a Collaborative Relationship

A successful partnership is built on trust, respect, and collaboration. To foster a productive relationship:

- Be Open and Transparent: Share your vision, goals, and any constraints openly. Transparency builds trust and ensures both parties are aligned.
- Provide Constructive Feedback: Provide timely and constructive feedback to guide the design process. Encourage open communication and be receptive to their ideas and suggestions.
- Recognize Their Expertise: Trust your partner’s expertise and give them creative freedom. While it's important to provide guidance, allowing them to explore and innovate can lead to better outcomes.
- Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and successes. Recognizing their efforts fosters a positive working relationship and motivates the team.

Evaluate and Iterate

After the project is completed, take the time to evaluate the partnership and the final deliverables. Consider:

- Project Review: Conduct a project review to assess what worked well and what could be improved. This helps in refining your approach for future collaborations.
- Ongoing Relationship: Consider maintaining an ongoing relationship with your design partner for future projects. A partner who understands your brand and has a proven track record can be a valuable asset.


Choosing the right design partner is a strategic decision that requires careful consideration and due diligence. By defining your needs, researching potential partners, evaluating compatibility, and fostering a collaborative relationship, you can ensure a successful partnership that drives your brand’s success. Remember, the right design partner is not just a vendor but a valuable collaborator who can help you achieve your creative and strategic goals.

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